Some Facts and realities about Google Rank:
People who took care about page rank are those who need to sell links on their sites and make money by link selling. That’s because most of the people are interested in their page rank update. While a real blogger or professional who wants to help other people by his thoughts just care about the content in his blog. He will always think to bring some new things to learn for their visitors and readers.And when he is giving proper content to his readers people will surely start liking their site, and when ever a new article pop out in their feed section they will jump right onto your site and read what you’ve just posted.
And when Google will see fresh content on your site consistently it will surely start liking your site and will soon recognize your site as a Good one, so what else you need from your site? Still if people think about page rank then its really a bad act.
I am not saying that Google page rank is not important, its good to have a good page rank, because when ever an advertiser will see your site with good rank he will buy advertising space on your site right away. But that does not means you always worried about your page rank.
Here is little more about Increasing your Page Rank

A Bit Discussion on Alexa Rank:
The most important thing on my point of view is alexa rank,because it tells us the real value of any site. But I am sad because very less people took care about alexa rank. So my advice is to take care of alexa rank of your site, because it will also help you get some good sales, as alexa means more visitors then more ad sales, which will always increase your site value.
So, in short I would like to say alexa rank has more importance then page rank, so take a break and think about it.
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